Friday, September 14, 2007

At long last...

Here she is!

This is the first picture of my girl Blue, only minutes old. Of course that isn't her real name, but we're not going to put that out over the whole internets... you understand.
Here are the vitals:
Date of birth: Sunday, September 9, 2007 at 2:32 am
Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz
Length: 21 inches

And she's absolutely perfect. We're crazy in love.


JustApril said...

AAAWWWW she's SO cute! I was just checking your blog a few minutes ago to see if there had been any news. The newborn time is so special. I just love how they look up at you with total amazement =) **sigh**

Welcome to the world Baby Blue. (great internet name btw)

evilsciencechick said...

soooo cute! and for the record, Blue would be a lovely named for a girl. But you could have named her Vacuum cleaner and she would still be beautiful!

Hel Gibbons said...

Aaaw, congratulations. She's mega-good! x

Anonymous said...

Susan! She's beautiful! And, she was born on a very popular weekend in my family - my birthday is the 8th, my parent's anniversary is the 9th, and my brother's birthday is the 10th - dates we've always loved and cherished and now you will too! Congratulations!

Faith said...

Congratulations mama!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's a beauty!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that last comment was from me. :) Jenny

hesira said...

She's absolutely BEE-YUUU-TEE-FULL!!!

What a joy! Congratulations.