Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why are all the neighborhood dogs barking?

Blue has discovered a new vocal range. It's just a touch lower in pitch than those dog whistles, so we humans get to enjoy it, too. She's been using it whenever she's not absolutely perfectly happy. My right ear is ringing right now from the last 20 minutes of her listing her discontents. That, and sometimes she's enjoyed experimenting with it when she's happy, too.

All phases go quickly at this age... here's hoping this one will do the same...

Toast me with an advil, won't you?


JustApril said...

Usually when they find something really grating, they keep it. Hopefully not, in this case, but be prepared - lol

tequila works better

dragon knitter said...

when the girls were little, and we went to WIC (a supplemental food program for low-income families with kids up to age 5), there was a tiny little girl (she'd been premature, so was small for her age, i think she was 9 months old, but looked about 3) who shrieked at the top of her lungs. she wasn't mad. she wasn't upset. she just loved to sound like a steam whistle. and that's EXACTLY what she sounded like. the whole 2 hours i was there! oy!

JustApril said...

Thanks for the comment about my picture =) I don't have a working email address for you anymore, or I'd answer you that way. (and I stupidly deleted the one email I got from you a while back - DOH!)