Saturday, December 08, 2007

On taking time for myself

I went to a knitting group on Wednesday night!

I had knit all of 2 rounds on Enid since my girl Blue arrived, but I jumped back in the saddle again.

I had a BLAST!

See, it's hard to get time to do things for yourself when you have an infant. I'm not one of those women who will only spend money on her children. I'll always need a few treats and toys. And I'm not a martyr, either. I know I need to do certain things for myself or else I'll be unpleasant. But time is short when babies are small. I love my girl with all my heart, and I love doing things with her and for her. Time can fly so fast in this stage that days can pass without my leaving the house. I've realized that even while I'm not feeling any neglect, I still need some time for myself.

I have to make an effort to notice when it's time for me, because I'm so busy with my girl and I enjoy her so much. But I did give it a try this week. It was so much fun! I'm going to have to do it more often! A happy Mom makes for a happy baby... and a happy Daddy.

Little Blue Eyes turns 3 months old tomorrow!


hesira said...

Oh, she's beautiful!

I'm glad you're getting out and spending time on yourself. It's good for the whole family.

Let me know how Enid goes. I accidentally felted mine last week.

JustApril said...

What a happy girl! She's so cute =) Yes those days DO pass super fast. I can't believe my youngest is a big ol 4 year old! YIKES It seems like just a couple of weeks ago I was walking laps to shake him out of me, and now he's not a baby anymore =( Oh well, They're fun at 4, too =)
Thanks for sharing the sweet sweet picture =)

dragon knitter said...

what a twee little elfie girl! a doll, indeed. and just so ya know, you need to take "me" time until she moves out of the house for good (note i said for good, they sometimes move back in shortly after they leave, lol). my eldest are 23 & 22, and i knew when i needed that time all the way until they were grown. my younger 2 are 13 & 15 (and boys, ugh!) and i definitely know when, lol.